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Schoolgirl’s uplifting vision is new logo for development trust

Sean McClorey

Ferguslie Community Development Trust ran the competition with Glencoats Primary School


  • 13:35, 6 FEB 2022

Back L-R Anna Hampson, John McIntyre and Sean McClorey all from the trust, Clare Murphy who was Alex's P7 teacher and Provost Lorraine Cameron

A schoolgirl’s vision of a colourful rainbow high in the sky over Ferguslie Park will be the new symbol of Ferguslie Community Development Trust. The trust ran a competition with Glencoats Primary School to ask pupils to come up with a logo for the group. And Alex Ellingham’s design was chosen as the winner and will be used on all official trust communications. Ferguslie CDT became an official charity at the start of 2021 and has carried out an extensive community survey – Our Scheme Our Future – to find out what people would like to see changed and improved.

Chair John McIntyre said: “It is one of the trust’s objectives to include as many different facets of community life as possible, especially the local schools. “The schools and the pupils who attend them are our future and deserve to have their voices heard and their ideas put in place. “Why we were delighted when Glencoats Primary agreed to participate in the competition.

All the entries were of a high standard and this made it very difficult for the trustees to come to a decision on a winner.”

Glencoats Primary and Alex, who is now a pupil at Castlehead High, were both presented with awards by special guest Provost Lorraine Cameron. The trust hopes to continue working with local schools and will include a page on its new website to encourage young people in Ferguslie Park to contribute. Trustee Donald Hampson said: “I look forward to increasing the Trust’s presence in all the schools and nurseries in Ferguslie Park. “Our Scheme Our Future, together let’s make Ferguslie Park the place people want to live and bring up a family. “Well done Alex and Glencoats Primary.”


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